Hey {{firstName}},
I’m hosting the Bootstrapped stories podcast, it’s a series of interviews with remarkable founders, thought leaders, and influencers who bootstrapped their way to success.
I’d love to have you on the show 🔥
So far, we’ve interviewed incredible people like Rob Wailing (TinySeed), Tim Soulo (Ahrefs), Arvid Kahl, etc.
What I ask from you: 1h of your time.
What’s in it for you:
- visibility across our Social Media profiles, 100k+ followers, and 3M views on avg. on LinkedIn,
- each episode will be promoted in our newsletter - 40k subscribers,
- inspire a community of 17k entrepreneurs, sales, and marketers worldwide.
Would you be up for it? 🚀
If the answer is yes, I’ll send my Calendar link.
Take care,