Welcome to the greatest B2B business course of all time πŸ‘‹

<aside> πŸš€ **In the last 6 years, I built 6 businesses, generating a total of $47M in revenue.

Now, it’s my time to give back** πŸ‘‡

This Notion will give you all the secrets, templates, and processes to follow so you can do the same and change your life entirely.

I created the exact content I wish I had when I started with just $1000 in 2018. I hope it will be helpful to you.

And if it is, please share it with someone who wants to launch their business and change their life forever πŸ™β€οΈ


Before we start, why am I doing this course? πŸ‘‡


Your workspace ⚑️

Course: Starting a B2B SaaS business

Chapter 1: How to find a GREAT idea for your business?

Chapter 2: How to get started in a niche?

Chapter 3: How to do something people want?

Chapter 4: Should you have a co-founder?

Chapter 5: How to build an MVP?

Chapter 6: How to price your product?

Chapter 7: How to formulate an offer?

Chapter 8: Why sales funnels are dead and what to do instead?